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Careers Information & Guidance

Every student at King’s Leadership Academy Liverpool is entitled to receive high-quality careers education and guidance. Our careers education offer is delivered through the curriculum and for the entire duration of a student’s time with us here at King’s Liverpool.

The main objectives of our careers programme are to:

  • Provide comprehensive and impartial information, advice and guidance to students as part of their whole school curriculum
  • Ensure that students are clear about how the subjects they study link to possible career opportunities available to them
  • Raise student aspirations and develop the core skills that they require to ensure that they are viewed as future employees of choice
  • Provide all students with a clear understanding of the post 16 opportunities available to them, including higher education (HE), further education (FE), apprenticeships, traineeships, and employment
  • Ensure that all students know about the routes and options available to them and understand how to find out more about them
  • Provide equality of access to careers education and guidance 

Life after King's - Options for Post-16

If you would like further information regarding our careers programme please do not hesitate to contact our careers leader at the school.

Name of Careers Leader: Mr M Collins

0151 727 1387

Date of school’s next review of the published information: July 2024

Careers Information for Students

Your career journey at King’s Leadership Academy Liverpool is carefully designed to ensure that you can develop a knowledge and understanding of the opportunities available to you after you finish secondary education.

Staff at King’s Liverpool will work with you to help expand your horizons and raise your aspirations. This guarantees that you will leave school at the end of Year 11 with clear goals and the motivation and understanding to achieve them.

Our Year 11 students are sought after by the best sixth forms, FE colleges and apprenticeship and training providers in the city. To this end, we ensure through our curriculum and careers programme that they are starting the next phase of their lives on the best possible path. 

Year 7

Expanding Horizons – “What; Where; How?” – We will spend Year 7 exploring some of the many different jobs that are available, learning about where in the world some of these career routes can take us and how we go about getting started on this journey.

Year 8

“What does the world of work look like?” – National growth sectors, jobs for the 21st century, academic v technical – In Year 8, we will look at the current national careers market and consider what the most thriving and rapidly growing career sectors are. We will provide opportunities for our students to meet employers and to visit further and higher education providers. 

Year 9

Making choices – Careers routes; entry points – Our focus in Year 9 is geared toward making informed choices at the end of the year as you progress into key stage 4. We will provide you with information and guidance around what employers want and how your GCSE choices can inform future career opportunities. 

Year 10

Local labour market – Local growth sectors, enrichment and extra-curricular, work experience. We will use our time in Year 10 to identify the opportunities that are developing in the local labour market and what the requirements are to access them.

We ensure that each student is provided with the opportunity to meet our level 6 careers advisor before the end of year 10. This means that students enter Year 11 with a clear focus and identified priorities. We offer work experience opportunities and examine how our choices and commitment to extra-curricular and enrichment can provide an edge in applications and interviews.

Year 11

Destinations – Securing post-16 places – Successful applications and interviews – In Year 11 we focus on: Employability; creating high quality CV’s; making our applications stand out from the crowd; conducting a successful interview. We provide opportunities to meet local providers from sixth forms and colleges, along with personalized careers support to ensure that every Year 11 student has a guaranteed place for Year 12 at the most aspirational destinations.


Careers & Enterprise Programme

Below is our Careers & Enterprise Programme across Years 7 to 11:

Careers & Enterprise Programme 2023-24

Provider Access Policy 2022-23

How we measure the impact of the careers programme on students?

The school will monitor its success in supporting students to take up education or training which offers good long-term prospects. One way of doing this is through the use of destination measures data. The school closely monitors the number of students who are recorded as not in education, employment or training (NEET) after they have left school.

The table below shows the percentage of students who leave King's Leadership Academy Liverpool and who move on to and sustain a place in some form of education, employment or training.  

There is a two-year delay on this data, so for example the 2022 results refer to the 2019-20 cohort.

Three-year trends for post-16 education,

employment, apprenticeship or other training


2020 Results (No data published due to Covid)

2021 Results

2022 Results

King's Liverpool students in post 16 destinations sustained for at least two terms




King's Liverpool students not sustained post 16 destinations 




King's Liverpool students post 16 activity not captured




Local Authority




Cohort Size




Formal monitoring of the impact of CIEAG and provider access will be carried out through:

  • The school’s CIEAG checklist
  • Careers guidance interview records
  • Informal feedback from students, parents, teachers and employers through random sampling
  • Student questionnaires for individual guidance interviews and group work
  • Lesson observations
  • Sustained destinations, including longer-term destination measures for up to five years after completing key stage 4
  • Regular review meetings with external partners and evaluation of the impact of partnership agreements

Moving forward, leaders at King's Leadership Academy Liverpool intend to explore the use of the ‘The Quality in Careers Standard’ to provide further verification of the quality and impact of the CIEAG provision on offer at the school.

Useful Links for Students

Useful Links for Post-16 Study