Behaviour & Rewards

Our approach to behaviour and discipline is simple. Using our King’s Leadership Academy Liverpool ‘trademark standards’, we communicate clearly to both students and staff about the sorts of behaviours and attitudes we want to see among our student body daily. We expect every student who attends our school to have the utmost respect for themselves, other students, staff, visitors and the school site at all times. King’s Leadership Academy Liverpool is a school that is committed to all students learning. It is everyone’s duty to contribute towards a climate where high-quality learning can happen.

We operate a firm but fair approach. We apply our rules and expectations rigorously, robustly and consistently. We make sure that any disruptive behaviour by the few does not damage the achievements of the many.

Our high expectations are captured and set out in our codes of conduct and the home-school agreement. Agreeing to our expectations is an essential part of accepting a place here at King’s Leadership Academy Liverpool.

Rewards and sanctions

The vast majority of our students are hard-working, well-behaved and respectful. We regularly identify, reward and celebrate our students’ successes through our ‘ASPIRE’ values. Students can be rewarded in any aspect of school life e.g., regular attendance, academic achievement, character, leadership and initiative, community work or an act of kindness. Rewards can take many forms, ranging from simply saying “well done” to e-praise points to recognition at assemblies or special events.

If standards at the school are to be maintained, it is equally important to have a clear, consistent sanctions system. This will be rigorously enforced by an explicit system of detentions and report cards.

Click to view our behaviour and rewards policy