Safeguarding Team Offer

Safeguarding Team Offer 2023

The safeguarding team will ensure that the necessary steps are taken to protect students and staff within the college community.
The safeguarding team will advice and provide what essential actions need to be taken and be an important point of contact to all professional services, Careline, Housing Options, Police, Domestic Violence Services, GP, Crisis teams, and many more.
We will act to protect the student (and families) who are making disclosure, supporting the needs of those concerned
We will report all actions and conversations (We cannot promise confidentiality)
Highlight Safeguarding policies and procedures within the school and wider trust community

What the safeguarding team do

We are here to listen to the concerns regarding student’s wellbeing and the ‘lived experiences’ of the student.
Reassure the student are being taken seriously and will be supported and kept safe.
Make staff and college community aware of indicators of abuse or/and neglect via training.
Take appropriate actions, working closely with the student, listening to the student’s voice, being an advocate for that student and all involved for a safe and successful outcome.
Multi-agency working, attend Strategy, Child in Need, Looked after Child and other professional meetings – we will challenge decisions by professionals if we feel a decision is not right. 
Refer to ‘Keeping children safe in education’ – guidance on support as well as ‘Working together to safeguard children’.
Register all actions, we will record all information on CPOMS creating a chronological view of situation/s.
The 5 R’s - Recognise, respond, report, record and refer.

What the safeguarding team cannot offer

We cannot always promise confidentiality – we will discuss the implications of disclosure with the student. 
We cannot provide counselling support – we do have counselling support within the school and can be accessed via referral to counselling.
We will not assume, we will not be judgemental, we are here to support.

How to contact or report to the safeguarding team

In the 1st instance call the safeguarding team on 0151 7272134– this will allow the team to assess the urgency of the situation and act in an appropriate way and give advice
Report concerns on CPOMS – We monitor CPOMs constantly and will be aware of your referral